Doki Doki Literature Club!

Doki Doki Literature Club! is a free-to-play pornographic anime visual novel for virgins such as Chris Barnes.


A faggot named Matt Cameron (drummer for 1870s bubblegum pop band Nirvana), also known to fans as "MC" or "Seth Putnam, magical wizard", is an adult virgin with one friend, a capitalist named Sayori. The capitalist asks "MC" to join the Literature Club, a Satanic cult revolving around Shakespeare. In the club are three other girls: an anorexic asshole named Natsuki (whom is abused by her daddy), a (presumably) fully-grown woman who masturbates with a pen named Yuri (which is also a name for lesbian hentai), and Monika, the club president with nothing unique about her. When MC fucks them all, they get pregnant, leaving MC with a choice: stay with them, or asking Trump to launch the nukes. Either is bad, as MC gets fatal herpes in both endings.

The first ad for the game, first seen on PornHub in 1939.


There is little actual gameplay, due to a good portion of the game being intentionally skipping through seemingly endless text. However, the gameplay there is intractable pornography scenes. Other than that, the game is mostly non-intractable porn scenes, which is a major shame.


A former gorilla breeder named Dan Salvato decided to make the game because he was a gay weeaboo. He got his friend, legendary Jack Black, to work on the game with him because Mr. Black needed a break from being a child pimp. They worked on the game using only Adobe Flash 3, a mouse, and a worn-out lifeless anime body pillow. In only a couple of days, the duo finished the game. The first ever ad (shown above) was first seen on PornHub in 1939 at the same time a sensitive man named Adolf Hitler and his army of so-called Confederates started invading Germany. The game had approx. 30,000 downloads in the first half-hour, most notably by Noel Gallagher of Gorillaz.


It is considered one of the most influential games of all time, and its soundtrack sold more than all of GG Allin's records combined. Filthy Frank, notable children's performer and GG Allin backing vocalist, called it "absolutely great; a true classic. On movie review site Uncyclopedia, JonTron rated it a 3.7/3.8, saying it "needed more pornography, 68% of the game isn't good enough."