File talk:Mo new hat.jpg

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fuck all you racist bastards who created this page --Angry dude.

1) this is a parody site, so chill out dude.
2) it wouldn't be racism, but anti-islamism. --Andersmusician ACHTUNG 22:44, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
3) Who gives a damn what kinda hat Brian Blessed wears. --Hexhunter 20:34, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

How dare you defy the will of the Prophet Muhammad by depicting an image of him! If you do not do as Muslims command then you are a racist! It is the belief of Muslims that they have the right to rule the world so by not obeying their every command, you are showing a profound lack of respect for their culture. You are backward thinking, tiny-minded, Islamophobic, racist bigots. You should bend over backwards for Islam, bow, scrape and lick boot like we open-minded progressives! For shame! --Lucifuge Rofacale (talk) 18:27, March 17, 2014 (UTC)