User:Cajek/Suggest Quotes

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Cajek/Suggest Quotes
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4742 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Alan Turing.jpg
“A paranoid man, Turing devised dozens of tests to determine whether the people in his life were actual human beings.”
~ Turing Duck Test

ViewPurgeSuggest QuotesQuote of the Day

Put some of your favorite quotes from articles, forums, talk pages, below. Any year, any month, by anyone. I would prefer it not be vandalism unless it's hilarious. Please put where you got the quote, too. It's not only for my template, it's for all of us...

(No promises it'll go into MY template, but if you make your own quote template, whore it here.)

I have my own template. It does this:
"Henry is a horse and lives in a stable full of hay. haha cum face maggot sheep" - From Herny Farnell
Good, huh? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 10:58, Jun 10


  • example: "Hippos can deepthroat anything." -page   Le Cejak <19:44 Jun 05, 2009>

“Alternately, sit there and shake your fist at the world.”

~ Modusoperandi

from Forum:VFD Time Limits --Mn-z 05:31, 13 June 2009 (UTC)