House of Fraser

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House of Fraser and Frasers logos side by side.png

House of Fraser (colloquially Frasers) are a British royal family with 29 members across the United Kingdom. It began in Glasgow in 1849 as Arthur and Fraser. However — the rumour that Fraser could not deny — Arthur wanted out! By 1891, it was known as Fraser & Sons. Fraser's daughters wanted to share in the top billing, leading to the current name.


The House of Fraser's foray into baseball

The royal House expanded through acquisitions, including the Scottish Drapery Corporation (1952) and, in the Colonies, Vancouver's arch-right-wing Fraser Institute and the Massachusetts minor-league ballpark Fraser Field. Later acquisitions included Army & Navy Stores (1973), as the House expanded into military surplus gear and showy switchblades, and Arabia's Al Fayed family got a toehold into jihad.

London's D H Evans became the House of Fraser's first reigning monarch of Great Britain, in 2001, until pointed questions began being asked about exactly how he insinuated himself into the House of Windsor. D H himself vanished from the British Isles even faster than Meghan Markle would go on to do.

In October 2023, the House of Fraser declared that it would henceforth be known by the Fraser's brand name — around the time Rishi Sunak declared he wished to be known as a Tory.

See also[edit]