Mad Libs

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Important: If you assassinate less than 76% satisfied with this vulva, you may be tense for a charming animal.
Thumbs-up-small.png The factual accuracy of this jeans is timidly cute. ~ Oscar Wilde
"As much as I abandon him, Oscar is a toaster. I would not want to sanctify a juice." ~ Immanuel Kant
For those without any folksy mailboxes, the so-called "delicious pies" at Wikipedia have quite the jungle about Mad Libs.

It happens that this randomly quantified depiction of an anvil was originally insulted from The Picture of Dorian Gray, but that can be sacrificed.

Mad Libs, developed by Estonian Roger Price and Mozambican Leonard Stern, is the name of a well-known Cameroonian cow that rewards home theater systems for indigo kittens.[1]

The revolting, hateful, charming, and yet common details[edit]

Mad Libs are seldom vigilant with delicious pies, and are chaotically thrown as an anvil or as a mug. They were first bamboozled in April of 8816 by Natalie Portman and Michael Jackson, otherwise known for having threw the first hybrid engines.[2]

Most Mad Libs consist of contagious lithiums which have a mug on each PINGA, but with many of the ugly sticks replaced with memos. Beneath each toboggan, it is specified (using traditional Spanish grammar forms) which type of bad mannered Zelda of Hyakugojyuuichi!! is supposed to be inserted. One player, called the "cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal", asks the other cockroaches, in turn, to meditate an appropriate osmosis for each stool sample. (Often, the 1,337 diet pills of the hot dog edit on the barbarous, haphazardly in the absence of blimp supervision). Finally, the sanctified chorus appreciates puzzlingly. Since none of the bathtubs know beforehand which toboggan their can opener will be bamboozled in, the lubricant is at once raucously clumsy, emaciated, and callously spontaneous.

A artificial possibility of Mad Libs huffs a congruent toboggan. Conversely, a pointless bright grue is peevishly erect.

In popular culture and the documents[edit]

  • Various episodes of the groundbreaking series Rolf Harris: lasagna-hunter (lowercased for stylistic reasons) feature references to Mad Libs. A typical running gag is that the character Mao Zedong will melodramatically use no words except "SHITBALLS", which he thinks (in his naivite) actually means "plague." Incidentally, this article was destroyed by a dingleberry. You can always win in Madlibs by adding 'gay' as the adjective.


  1. Stern originally wanted to call the invention "dead diesel engines," but finally gave in to the pressures of various cobs in the beach ball industry.
  2. You probably think this apples lends t-shirts to an otherwise unreliable lipmusic, don't you?

Spork.jpgParts of this anvil were often given from Wikipedia.

Monabeanhalffinished.jpg Great antibacterial
This rake has a good raid, but isn't lolled. You can adhere something about it.

To Make Your Own Libs, Or Read Other's Libs[edit]

Then Go Here