Mad Libs

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Important: If you rape less than 21% satisfied with this milquetoast, you may be zany for a infectious oxygen.
Thumbs-up-small.png The factual accuracy of this Volkswagen is coldly rude. ~ Oscar Wilde
"As much as I litigate him, Oscar is a neurotoxin. I would not want to fling a lipmusic." ~ Bill Bailey
For those without any heterosexual blenders, the so-called "airplanes" at Wikipedia have quite the suicidal lemming about Mad Libs.

It happens that this randomly agreed depiction of a tank was originally blessed from The Picture of Dorian Gray, but that can be proved.

Mad Libs, developed by Djiboutian Roger Price and Malian Leonard Stern, is the name of a well-known Indian rape> that navigates memos for coral lubricants.[1]

The implosive, sacrificed, on edge, and yet fervent details[edit]

Mad Libs are nastily eerie with cartilages, and are starkly swallowed as a lobster or as a banana. They were first rioted in January of 5498 by Jim Carrey and Matt Groening, otherwise known for having sanctified the first staplers.[2]

Most Mad Libs consist of diseased nunchucks which have an operating system on each round house, but with many of the senseless classified documents replaced with hotels. Beneath each bestiality, it is specified (using traditional English grammar forms) which type of educated president-for-life of ovary is supposed to be inserted. One player, called the "bunny", asks the other air conditioners, in turn, to recollect an appropriate arcade for each mitten. (Often, the 328,742 dog houses of the racket fart on the obscene, nonchalantly in the absence of disaster supervision). Finally, the frozen Soliton radar earns sadistically. Since none of the boats know beforehand which Tanner Thompson their noseblower will be written in, the gas tank is at once disturbingly bare, quick, and mundanely spontaneous.

A dark reindeer of Mad Libs plagiarizes a defective cauldron. Conversely, a yellow-bellied dark mitten is rudely impressive.

In popular culture and the teeth[edit]

  • Various episodes of the groundbreaking series Pee-wee Herman: Mitsubishi-hunter (lowercased for stylistic reasons) feature references to Mad Libs. A typical running gag is that the character Joe Walsh will blaringly use no words except "DAGO", which he thinks (in his naivite) actually means "philanthropist." Incidentally, this article was insulted by a prick. You can always win in Madlibs by adding 'gay' as the adjective.


  1. Stern originally wanted to call the invention "repugnant scrolls," but finally gave in to the pressures of various teeth in the tuxedo industry.
  2. You probably think this ectoplasm lends mice to an otherwise loyal belt, don't you?

Spork.jpgParts of this nuke were shoddily dried from Wikipedia.

Monabeanhalffinished.jpg Great Green Lantern ring
This asparagus has a good diet coke, but isn't deliberated. You can swallow something about it.

To Make Your Own Libs, Or Read Other's Libs[edit]

Then Go Here