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Album full of horsey songs.

A palindrome is a word, phrase, sentence, number or equation that is the same when the characters are reversed (ignoring any non-alphanumeric characters). Examples of a palindrome:-

  • Madam
  • Radar
  • Civic
  • Level
  • Kayak
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Eye
  • Racecar

Palindromes can also be used in sentences like this: Tnargraf ma I knits Uoy. This may seem nonsense in English but can be very useful in Poland if your dog has been run over by juggernaut.

A palindrome that spells an entirely different word backwards is called a Semordnilap. So Red Rum, a horse that won the Grand National steeplechase is reversed to spell 'Murder'. This semordnilap was by Stanley Kubrick in the film The Shining when psychic Danny repeats the phrase as he motors around the haunted hotel.

Palindromes are useful to remember on First Dates. They will indicate that you have stayed at school beyond Fourth Grade. Using a semordnilap is a guaranteed inhibitor remover.

Palindromes are NOT:-