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Yes, you're surprised you actually found Taozin on Uncyclopedia. For the uncultured swine, a Taozin is an obscure Star Wars creature that's not affected by the force or something. It's long and slick (like something else), it's red and veiny (like something else), and it shoots white webs (like something else). It's obvious the guy who made this was implying he had a huge, slick wang that's so powerful, it's not affected by the force, but he's a Star Wars author, so it's not likely. Also, like every other obscure Star Wars species, Disney likes to pretend they don't exist. Forget having an intense battle with a huge practically undefeatable monster, lets recycle the Death Star plot again! It's not like we already used that twice. Anyway, it's just basically another Star Wars creature that may as well not exist.
