Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Wiimium crystals (quick)

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Wiimium crystals[edit]

Skate1168 19:25, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Outhouse.JPG   Tagstit   doesn't believe in new fancy-pancy toilet systems with running water and all. Just a hole in the ground with a lil' cover will do. Now gimme' your article and I'll be done in a few minutes.

While you are welcome to review this, I suggest you find another article in need of help so that we can clear the ever growing Pee Request list.

Humour: 1 This was very weak. I honestly do not understand what you were expecting when you put one paragraph in for pee. Anyways, the humor is just not there. First of all, potty humor isn't really what we are looking for here. Jokes about Uranium sounding like urine and the wii being a toilet are not only immature, but lazy. Not only that, this entire article is pretty much a part of the [Wii] article already written. In fact, this is pretty much a copy of a caption of one of the pictures in it. There is really no humor here to review and its more of a concept problem.
Concept: 1 Well, like I said, the humor gets destroyed by your concept. The idea is very random, weird, and not funny. Try coming up with a new topic. Don't look at other articles and take one of the ideas from them, and try to create and entire article off of one idea. This is lazy and just seems like your trying to get credit for other people's work. Next, this isn't even a good topic to begin with. Wiimium crystals are not real, and not even an idea. It is hard to satire something that doesn't exist. Also, you base too much of your article off of the pictures. Your pictures should follow your article, not your article following your pictures. In other words, don't base articles off of pictures.
Prose and formatting: 1 I will be brief here. This is just a stub and a long See Also list. If you want this to be even decently looking, you need to make it WAY longer. This will be hard because it isn't exactly a topic you could write alot on. Also, even in this one paragraph there are many misspellings and grammar problems which a simple spellcheck could fix. For example bussiness should be business. There are others and a simple readthrough will help you catch those. Finally, you pictures shouldn't be lined up. Make one above the other and one on the left and right. This is hard to explain but look at other articles and you should have a good idea of what good formatting is.
Images: 2 The images are all stolen from other articles. This isn't TOO bad because other people have done this before. What is bad about this though, is that you seemed to have based your article off the pictures which isn't good. You should come up with pictures to suit your article, and not come up with an article to suit your pictures.
Miscellaneous: 1 Averaged
Final Score: 6 This is very weak. I would HIGHLY recommend just dropping this article and starting with a completely new idea. Good luck!
Reviewer: ~SirTagstitVFHNotMPEEINGCPTRotMBFF 22:44, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Thank you for reviewing my article. You're probably right, I should just get a new idea for another article. Thanks again!

--Skate1168 01:38, 2 February 2009 (UTC)