Uncyclopedia:VFH/UnNews:U.S. enforces "Green-Hill Zone" over Libya

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UnNews:U.S. enforces "Green-Hill Zone" over Libya (history, logs)

Score: 5 Sonic fans

Nominated by:

Black flamingo

For: 7
  1. A great (if slightly out of date) story by a user called JelloMold, with great pics by Magic man and a shitty audio by some dick. --Black Flamingo 22:09, May 14, 2011 (UTC)
  2. Symbol for vote.svg For. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 00:39, 15 May 2011
  3. Symbol for vote.svg For. What an unbelievably annoying voice! Talk Mattsnow 19:51, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
    Seriously, I read the whole article and laughed. The audio thing proves you are dedicated to the site (and it was good). Such efforts add quality to the site and furthermore motivates everbody to invest their free time to improve the site. I know I am a n00b and all. I was impressed with the work you put into it. I wanted to say. Talk Mattsnow 17:35, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
  4. For. Sycamore (Talk) 21:28, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
  5. Symbol for vote.svg For. I made the images for this. I feel honored to have been involved in the making of such a great article. Good job. --Wanna see a magic trick? 22:00, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
  6. For. Talk JelloMold Talk 19:15, May 19, 2011 (UTC)
  7. Ah, hells.

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 07:40, 22 May 2011

Against: 2
  1. Against. I like the concept. I really didn't like the execution. Tinymasaru.gifpillow talk 22:04, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
    b-but I tried to take your pee review points on board, Y U NO LIKE MY ARTICLEZ HYPERBOLEEE Talk JelloMold Talk 19:15, May 17, 2011 (UTC)
  2. Against. per Hyper. It's good though. MrN Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png WhoreMrn.png Fork you! 23:25, May 17
  • Abstain It's fairly humorous and I don't really have a problem with the evolution of the article (though it may be a little bit too quote-heavy), but a lot of the impact is lost now that the no-fly zone news isn't actually news. I don't think it would make sense to highlight this page when it relies fairly heavily on a current event that isn't current anymore. Still, it's well-written enough that I wouldn't mind seeing it on the front page.~~ Sir Ljlego, GUN  [talk] 21:04, May 19, 2011 (UTC)
  • Abstain. Very neutral feeling about this one. The pictures are excellent, but in my opinion the article itself is only good; not feature worthy. In response to Ljlego, though, many of the UnNews stories become out of date simply because it takes so long in the VFH process. While this does make it seem like it's yesterday's news going on the front page, sometimes the hindsight it produces brings out aspects of the event and make it even better. ~ Humbuck.png Talk 03:20, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
You think the images are excellent? *Starts to tear up* I love you, man! --Wanna see a magic trick? 03:36, May 20, 2011 (UTC)
I'll agree with that sentiment. I really did enjoy them.~~ Sir Ljlego, GUN  [talk] 03:43, May 20, 2011 (UTC)
Hooray! My self esteem is at an all time high! --Wanna see a magic trick? 03:45, May 20, 2011 (UTC)


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