Forum:Creativity Help

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Creativity Help
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6425 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Now, I have not really been very active lately, what with playing World of Warcraft and huffing kittens and all, but the real reason I have not been contributing a lot to Uncyc is because I do not have a great deal of creativity. I do my best at writing funny material, but they simply fall short of meeting Uncyc's high standards. The only time when I do seem to write funny material is when I overdose on pills. This is most easily seen in my best article (in my opinion), Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis. I need you guys to help me with my creativity woes. What gets you guys inspired to write something funny? Where do you get your great ideas? I must know so I can be great at teh comedy as well, or else the microphone will shave my scissors!

Oh, and may Sophia bless me with her eternal majesty. --General Insineratehymn 19:11, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

"Where do you get your great ideas?" -- hey that's like an awesome thought and I think we need to spoof that into an uncyc article or something and immediately nominate it for front page. Well ideas just come to head (yeah, it's 'cos i'm stupid i know) and i don't have to go visit ideas-land searching for one. duh! try huffin kittens a bit more vigorously next time. --Mowgli 20:03, 23 July 2006 (UTC)
OK, will do. --General Insineratehymn 20:09, 23 July 2006 (UTC)
more seriously i get all my ideas from wikipedia (i haven't written much here but the ideas are all there in my head). those guys at wikip are really funny. it's fun spoofing their stuff and it's only a coincidence that that's also the motto of uncyclopedia. read more wikipedia...obscure stuff like the sexual life of mountain goats in inner mongolia...and you'll get ideas automatically.--Mowgli 04:26, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
I know it's advised against, but some of my best ideas come from inside jokes between me and my friends. Like weaselpudge and hummingbird. Those that don't derive from my half-waking nostalgic dreams of intense hallucination often come from stuff I think about while bored and waiting for something to happen (like OPOV, Taahgaarxians , and Reading Between The Lines). Some are from browsing through Uncyc and making articles out of red links, like Committee of Letters. Others are from stuff I know about, like Twilight Town and Hypello, and are easily parodied by cheap Malaysian prostitutes. Maybe you might want to write an article about some World of warcraft character or dragon, or whatever is in that game (Final Fantasy is better). Don't stress, everyone gets writer's block once in a while. When that happens, it's best to strike yourself promptly in the crotch. That should wake up the right side of your brain (that's the creative part, ya know?). --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 02:53, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Man, I find the best humour (or humor, even) comes when you're talking about something in the pub or watching telly or something, and not even remotely thinking about Uncyclopedia. It's only later, in a moment of inspiration that you decide wow, that'd make a great article. For example, I thought of the idea for HowTo:Avoid speeding tickets/fines (which I see has recently pissed some people off...) in bed one night in that sort of twighlight zone between being asleep and awake. I must have been playing on Grand Theft Auto or watching World's Scariest Police Chases that day. In the morning I just went mad and ripped into writing it. After that, I let it stew for ages (like, a month) and added funny bits as I thought of them.
Secondly, there is some sort of 'wall' that everyone hits at Uncyc, where you sort of run out of inspiration. I hit this wall about a month ago, but was revitalised after a brief period away from writing articles on Uncyc. I sort of hovered around, waiting for the ideas to come. You could take a leaf out of Hardwick's book and write things down as you think of them, and spend some time just talking nonsense on IRC. The Swedish Orienteering And Firing A Rat From A Cannon Championships came from one such conversation when we were talking about obscure Scandanavian sports. Similarly, Pop Bomb came from the prank where you shake up someone's fizzy pop bottle and watch the mayhem unfold as they unscrew the top.
Finally, pinch stuff. There's no shame in adopting other people's ideas: just remember that some people might 'get' where you're stealing from. Try to take a fresh perspective on an ordinary idea. --Hindleyite | PL | GUN | WOTM | Image Review - Use it | Converse 10:42, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Write about what interests you, is the best advice I can give. For some reason, I'm obsessed with the Kennedy assassination, so I wrote JFKlue and am working on Insane Asshole With a Gun Disorder. Hope that helps. Uncyclopedia:How To Get Started Editing also has some advice about how to get ideas. --Hrodulf 22:11, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
I get bad and wrong ideas walking down the street. Usually a juxtaposition of two things. Sometimes I'm talking rubbish with someone and realise something is a good article idea, e.g. Saint Chav. It's not how to have the ideas, it's how to spot one when two braincells collide in the cavern of my skull - David Gerard 21:04, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

I generally write about things that piss me off, or I leave a pencil and paper on the nightstand. In the morning there are occasionally cryptic messages on the paper and the pencil has bite marks. My two-part system has so far resulted in things like the pic/page American Fundie Magazine and the pic Vader vs Lollipop Guild. One is scary satire of scary people and the other is just deeply, deeply weird. Draw your own conclusions as to whether the "Modus method for the creationification of things, stuff, and whatnot" is worthwhile. Modusoperandi 00:48, 29 July 2006 (UTC)
Oh, and don't forget to eat some cheese before bed. Preferably one of the drippy, oozing ones. Modusoperandi 21:20, 29 July 2006 (UTC)
I usually start with two very different subjects, say Menstruation Cycle and the Cartoon Series "The Angry Beavers", the 60s band Manfred Mann and our early hominid ancestors or the game Jenga and Imperialism and mix them into a comedy cocktail. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

Yeah, you're asking the Primal Writar Question: Where do the ideas come from??! And the answers are as various as the various writars you ask. A lot of writars find 'riffing' useful -- you just write along without being very critical, just following your impulses. (Obviously not live on Uncyc...maybe in a text editor, eh?) Anyway, the idea is that eventually the riffing will turn up something interesting, which you can then rename, refine, and rewrite. Some people are turned on by Googling something random like "Chang" and surfing the links until something strikes their fancy -- for instance you could write an article about Thor's Palace, which really is a bar on Had Sai Khao beach on the island of Ko Chang, Thailand. (Thor got sick -- SICK -- of Scandinavia. All that snow, those gloomy sunless winters, fucking rocks and crags and only herring to he moved to Thailand, married a nice girl from Phuket, converted to Buddhism, tossed his hammer in a corner and opened up a bar called Thor's Palace.) Oh well, different stuff turns different writars on. ----OEJ 16:22, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

Agree with the above ideas -- but sometimes, you have to get away and find something else to do. Ideas will come eventually. Sometimes they come from odd places. For instance, the theme song to this lame 1980s cartoon got in my head for some reason, and wouldn't get out. So I turned it into a story. It's very silly, but the song isn't in my head any more.--Procopius 21:26, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

I like articles that seem to be perfectly serious, properly done up in decent Wiki formatting, but are underpinned with absurdism or (preferably) some insanely funny jokes. Remember, people eat with their eyes. I suppose that means they read with their mouths. Alright, forget that bit, but don't skimp on the look of your article. Red links, inconsistent formats and crappy pictures will bring down even the most hilarious premise. FreeMorpheme 23:12, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

I currently have the Metalocalypse 35-second-long opening song playing on infinite repeat. I believe it is helping with my current article in progress. --monika 01:02, 3 November 2006 (UTC)