Forum:Proof that even interweb-savvy teens think we're better

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Proof that even interweb-savvy teens think we're better
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6495 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

This gaming forum (that consists of mainly 13-18 year olds, most of which are most hip on internet trends) had a topic on ED vs Uncyc. Now, this is ED's target audience, isn't it? I know many of these posters, and they even have LJs and what not. Yet...I think the poll results speak for themselves.

Take that, Encyclopædiæ Dramtaticæ. --Moogle.EXE 20:16, 24 July 2006 (UTC)

"Uncyclopedia is filled with win and stuff." Dunno what the heck that means, but yeah, it seems we're connecting the 'hip teen' market, looking at the poll results.
"Encyclopedia Dramatica is an elitist community attempt to bash everything trendy on the internet and ends up sounding like a crotchety old man when the rants come up. The problem is, they seem to take a professional attempt at explaining some trends and why they hate them, but they only explain one aspect; the side that would be beneficial to making them appear right. They give no useful information; they just bash trends."
Speaks for itself, really. --Hindleyite | PL | GUN | WOTM | Image Review - Use it | Converse 20:52, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
"Uncyclopedia is a collection of everything funny and trendy on the internet; it's full of parody." sweet,Encyclopædiæ Dramtaticæ is too negative if you ask me, not very friendly.--Sir Silent Penguin Penguin foot.JPG "your site makes no sence" The illusion is complete 21:18, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, what is win and stuff? Those crazy kids and their 'language'. FreeMorpheme 11:48, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
According to the best scoring Urban Dictionary definition, "win" is "a word with a very broad syntax of usage, generally indicating that something is great". So I guess "win and stuff" is just a phrase that has become popular with our teeny friends (bless 'em). It probably replaces "cool shit" or something of similar effect. --⇔ Sir Mon€¥$ignSTFU F@H|NotM|+S 12:39, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
You cant be serious, thats the slang usage of win? What the fuck?--Nytrospawn 02:39, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
ED consists of a bunch of internet kiddies bashing each other for using MySpace rather than Live Journal. RZ 03:48, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
i don't know, but something is seriously wrong with ED. Chuck Norris can fix them up (if they at all want to be fixed). -- mowgli 05:52, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
ED is full of stubs containing porn. --Uncyclon - Do we still link to BENSON? 09:28, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
ED makes Uncyclopedia's stubs and QVFDs look like literary genius. Also, ditto to Nytrospawn on the slang usage of "win." I just don't get it. Stupid teens and their usage of verbs as nouns... --Cainad 20:46, 26 July 2006 (UTC)
Agreed. I looked around in ED for the first time and God I wish I hadn't. It's an unorganized piece of crappy horseshit.. like i might not agree with some of the stuff admins do but i congraduate from keeping us from becoming ED--Upascal 06:06, 27 July 2006 (UTC)
I too must tip my hat to the Uncyc admins from turning this place into a vanity cesspool. I have browsed ED before and believe me when I say it is NOT funny. Half of their jokes are structured upon bukkake and goatse. I believe those internet-savvy kids that were mentioned in the original post were wise when they chose Uncyclopedia as the best. --General Insineratehymn 21:37, 22 August 2006 (UTC)

holy jesus!

i just hit ED 'cos earlier today i had made fun of someone by advising him to start contributing to ED first before attempting anything more ambitious (like writing nursery rhymes in english for chinese pre-schoolers) and i now wanted to check if ED was actually as bad as i had thought it to be and if my sarcasm hadn't perhaps been a bit hasty or misplaced earlier. so ED's main page fanned out and the search box asked me where i wished to go? let me, i thought, read the counterpart of the best article on any south asian country that i've read in uncyc., namely the one on Afghanistan and this is what ED threw up in return:

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
Fuck yeah!You know, those OTHER niggers we bombed. Now a smoking crater with Poppy fields as far as the eye can see, to make heroin.
From Encyclopedia Dramatica

I'm sorry, but this is NOT ONLY SO UNFUNNY, it's also juvenile, pathetic, sick, retarded, ignorant, forced, totally forced. it's warped. it's so pathetic that it isn't even racist. yuck!! i literally wanted to throw up. my body convulsed (i joke not). i quickly hit X on the top right hand corner of my screen and beat a hasty retreat. never again (but i'm a masochist, i know). -- mowgli 16:06, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

"90% of everything is crud," said Theodore "Caviar Boy" Sturgeon. So 90% of Uncyclopedia articles are crud. However, it appears that 101% of Encyclopaedia Dramatica articles are crud. Don't worry, be happy.----OEJ 21:08, 29 July 2006 (UTC) (ps...Of course MY articles on Uncyc are 100% crud, so that lets the rest of you get away with being only 87% cruddy. If I have the statistics right, anyway. ;)

I don't reckon our Afghanistan would get featured now. Which is good, means we've come a long way in quality since November. And soon ED will be recognised for the creatively bankrupt, fawning and imbecilic toss that it is. I was flicking through on Random after reading this thread and, apart from seing more gay porn than I have since boarding school, I came to their 'Pain Series' page, which I advise you not to go and look at, as it is pretty symptomatic of their philosophy. If you do look at it, have an Uncyc page open in another window so you can run screaming back here to a world where the brain is an opportunity for more than a gore-photo. Hooray for us. FreeMorpheme 23:16, 29 July 2006 (UTC)
I love the google-sponsored ads on the ED Afghanistan page. Cheap phone calls to Afghanistan, attorneys specialising in compensation for injuries sustained by civilians on military bases, and my favourite, explosive ordnance detection. Superbo 00:33, 30 July 2006 (UTC)

Anyonymity is fun, isn't it? I prefer Uncyclopedia over Dramatica. Dramitica is literally little kids who think everything they say is funny. Peace.

Hah, the article on uncyc about dramatica vs the article on dramatica about uncyc says it all. We have a skin that parodies them to the letter, whereas their idea of making fun of us is to point out what's bad about uncyc and call us gay. "Gay" is not funny, even when intentionally misspelled. And while some of the things they say about us are true (too many stupid oscar wilde quotes), there's no humour in just saying it. They really need to read "how to be funny and not just stupid".--Gubby 18:25, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

Dramatica fights back!

OK, so that forum preferred Uncyclopedia. This one, however, thinks otherwise. --Hindleyite | PL | GUN | WOTM | Image Review - Use it | Converse 17:56, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

By a whole 4 votes. ~Sir Rangeley Icons-flag-us.png GUN WotM UotM EGA +S (talk) 19:32, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
I don't know, I think we did all right. They know we're full of win and stuff. FreeMorpheme 22:21, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
It's nice that they have forums about us, but we all know that there's no contest. The only people who hate Uncyclopedia are ED users and those with Aspeger's Syndrome. It's true! --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 22:46, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
Don't you mean Assburger's syndrome? -- Sir Armando Perentie Icons-flag-au.png KUN FP 22:48, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
PS: I bags dibs on Assburger's. Got a few ideas and I'll write it in the next day or so... -- Sir Armando Perentie Icons-flag-au.png KUN FP 22:59, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
I think most of this is because these people seem not to KNOW about Uncyclopedia. Mr. Briggs Inc. 23:04, 16 August 2006 (UTC) Eh?

Polls are nice. Intarweb forum polls are even nicer. Step 1: set up a self-selection process that gives you a certain group of people. Let's call them Cretins Who Drink Used Motor Oil. Step 2: Poll the selected group about the gustatory ecstasy of swallowing carcinogenic petrochemicals. Step 3: Say that the results show that a (carefully undefined) "segment of the population" prefers drinking motor oil to drinking beer. The results of the poll are, of course, statistically equivalent to doggy doo covered in cornflakes. ~shrugs~ Let's poll another Intarweb forum. Maybe one that self-selects lobotomized goat fetishists. Should yield some interesting results re the question at hand, eh? ----OEJ 23:18, 19 August 2006 (UTC)

In the first post we established which group of people were being polled. Even the title of this thread indicates it, so your point, although perfectly true, would seem a little redundant. FreeMorpheme 00:08, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

Sure. The point is that the apparent angst generated is not only trivial, it is meaningless.----OEJ 16:22, 20 August 2006 (UTC)
Golly, that kind of devalues the discussion and. in a sort of emo-trashing way, those (like myself) who participate in it, doesn't it? The problem, Morpheme, is taking things too seriously. For example, you take my comments on drinking used motor oil as "serious" in the sense that Albert Camus promoted in his novel "Crétins qui sont Ivres" (Toadhammer Press, 1948) but of course the aforementioned comments were meant to open a traditionally Fnordian vein of painfully dishonest dyscourse. This of course is the kind of technique that does not work in any discussion, including this one. ----OEJ 16:41, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

I like PI!!

3.14 4 ever d00dz!! In Soviet Russia, PI likes j00!! --Nerd42Talk 18:18, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

No! Pi is exactly 3!!! --General Insineratehymn 16:26, 27 August 2006 (UTC)