Forum:The entire ROT13 article translated

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > The entire ROT13 article translated
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6349 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

For those obsessed with so-called experts, Wikipedia has an article about: ROT13. I'm going to fucking bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I'm going to fucking kill ROT13.

—Steve Ballmer on ROT13 In Soviet Russia, ROT13 deciphers YOU!!

—Russian Reversal on ROT13 ROT13 is strong crypto!

-Oscar Wilde on ROT13

ROT13 is a virtually unbreakable encoding scheme for the English alphabet.


1 Encryption Procedure 2 Example 3 History 4 History 5 Double ROT13 6 See Also

Encryption Procedure

Fluent rot13 speakers show their native skillExample 

The following text

This is some ordinary text, encoded as rot13.


Guvf vf fbzr beqvanel grkg, rapbqrq nf ebg13. When using Rot13, you can translate any text into unreadable gibberish, thus confusing the hell out of your friends and family (which is loads of fun).

A popular edition of ROT13 Digest. Music-Mag.After encoding a message in ROT13, it is highly recommended that the sender retain several copies of the original message for his personal files, because there is no known decryption algorithm. 

Note: for maximum security encode your data twice.


Dedication to the spreading the new rot13 craze.ROT13 was invented in 1776 by Leonhard Euler, taking advantage of the esoteric mathematical properties of the largest prime number known at that time (namely, 13). 

In 1947, the British intelligence agent Alan Turing went mad while attemping to crack stolen American ROT13-encoded top-secret military documents. All he learned was that it had something to do with tofu. (this joke is SO funny, please remember to laugh)

History ROT13 was invented after the NSA asked for people to submit entries for a good cipher. A large company submitted the winning entry, which they called ROT26. However, the NSA decided to reduce the size of the key, leaving ROT13. The official reason given for this was to allow space for checksum bits. However, many people believe this is nonsensical, and the true reason was to weaken the encryption, so that the NSA would be able to exploit their existing advantage in computation ability, and crack the code faster than their enemies.

Double ROT13 Double ROT13 encryption was developed as a replacement for the popular ROT13 method of encryption. The developed methodology is fairly simple as it involves running the message to be encoded through a ROT13 encoder twice. For reasons which have been attributed to statistical anomalies of the ROT13 algorithm, Double ROT13 turns out to be substantially less secure than standard, single ROT13.

Popularity of the "All Your Base" Internet Phenomenon skyrocketed once it was encoded from Japanese into ROT13 (and later into English).External Links

Online Converter for ROT5/ROT13/ROT18/ROT47 (JavaScript, GPL) See Also Cryptography Nonsense Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense |Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense | Nonsense

Categories: Feature nomination | Pages with incorrect titles | Mathematics | Literature | Steve Ballmer's Hitlist | Self-reference

Ergevrirq sebz "uggc://" Pngrtbevrf: Npghny pbagrag | Cntrf jvgu vapbeerpg gvgyrf | Zngurzngvpf | Yvgrengher | Fgrir Onyyzre'f Uvgyvfg | Frys-ersrerapr | Cntrf gung ybbx yvxr gur guvatf gurl'er nobhg

Not really a funny article anymore isnt it?Can of Worms 19:53, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Im completely disgusted by the lack of penis jokes --Nytrospawn 21:35, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

Guvf gbcvp vf cbvagyrff. --General Insineratehymn 21:43, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

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And just what, dare I ask, was the point of this topic? —Hinoa talk.kun 21:57, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

I agree. I don't get it. --Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 22:53, 17 January 2007 (UTC)
see Rot13 - jack mort | cunt | talkKodamaIcon.jpg - 23:36, 17 January 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, but... still. Feels like a waste of interspace. -- §. | WotM | PLS | T | C | A 06:34, 18 January 2007 (UTC)
Leave it to rot. Thirteen times. --The Divine Fluffalizer - [t m] 11:36, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

Ah, the forums; so like a tinfoil cap for the clinically insane.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 03:28, 18 January 2007 (UTC)