Free Trade

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Free Trade is the act of countries buying and selling other countries without restrictions.

The USA and Russia Finally agree on something, Russia trading USA the state of Denial.

Several important free trades are of such: Russia trading the US the state of denial for some useless voting booths (pictured), Pakistan trading ISIS several Guns, for an extra 0.000000000001% of their land back.


Once upon a time, in a land called The United States Of America, a little boy named Billiam Mays decided to fuck everything up, by starring in Oxi Clean commercials, and by making the World Trade Center. Then, the WTC decided to fuck everything up by allowing countries to participate into free trade. This angered stupid-ass ISIS millenials into blowing shit up in 9/11. Then, the US decided to import massive fucking amounts of Drugs


to compensate the outrage of 9/11. But the people were not satisfied. so the AOMFCEO Billiam decided to import a life supply of phat beatsies to keep everybody happy. Music sample given.Beatsies By BeatsieScott But the people were still not satisfied. So Billiam decided to wage war on ISIS. He ordered the Illuminati to tell the Fuck-boy president to blow shit up in Fortnite with Legendary Scar-H's, right at ISIS.

Acts of violence[edit]

The Hippie Fuck boys at Wikipedia wouldn't let me tell you this, but fuck them! The Board of the WTO likes People Who Like to Fuck Naked, and dislikes cursing.

So fuck those fucking cunt bitches their fuck boys dont even fuck ass everyday like i do to Billiam Mays's mom he rekt

this pic has nothing to do with this yet, it just seems fitting.

Later years[edit]

Free Trade has been notably used throughout the ages, not just in modern times. in the later years of Stan the Satyr, He bought hooker nymphs, and could only lick. lick. lick everywhere. lick ass, tongue, P6U9S6S9Y, neck, and smol boobs. Joseph Stalin Liked nukes, so he put a ring on them before firing them at space, only for them to shrink like a boner in the wind, and smack him in the mouth, instantly killing him. The trade of this execution was called the Russian reversal, and sold to Mongolia for their own sexy use.