Free Translation

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The Translation liberates is a very useful website with direction It can translate the text from one language to another, and is al therefore very useful to communicate with the foreigners in the internet. The better thing of the Translation Liberates is is absolutely free. Also, the codes of the translation in the basis of data of the place are so complex as you can translate the text of long one in wide among the languages a lot times, and to always do feels it perfect. This place is so effective, began being used by the united Nations instead of employing the translators.

The creation of the Translation Liberates[edit]

The Translation liberates was a place created a lot a lot of years there is by Wilma Flintstone for a reason and a reason only: the world domination. Wilma was a true prostitute, and stopwatch often she screwed on that his cheese did scarcely to Liberated jealous. She created this place because she wanted to be able to transmit his advertising by the world to the countries that do not use the decent languages. Thus, she could win the hearts of the each country citizens in the earth, and obtain the complete check. She in the report was diagnosed later with the diabetes, it impossible fact for her to execute its projects, but his al place is used calm always today to translate the writing if for the advertising goals or not.

The usages for the Translation Liberate[edit]

There is almost an infinity of usages for the Translation Liberate. Here they are scarcely certain of them.

Speak the People of another Career[edit]

The Free place of the Translation can be used if you need to communicate with someone of a different career, especially in the internet. You can type simply that you mean in the can, choose the fitting language, and perceive the magic. This can work for a lot of Asians, a lot of Europeans, and American a lot of the south, but it cannot help to talk about the black ones because there is not the "the language trigger" or "not the consonants" the option, the two principal languages of black ones.

The Text of the bed another Language[edit]

The Translation liberates can be used to translate a small one or big quantity of text in a language you are more family with. For example, if you have a passage in Spaniard, but you would prefer to read it the English, you can copy simply the passage, the successes it in the Free Translation, and magically you can understand it.

Complete a Foreign Task of the Language with the Comfort[edit]

If you have a task for the school in which need to write you a process in another language, you can write simply tries it in the English, and the translates to the necessary language. Now you will have magically a perfect one an A + the worthy process in a foreign language of the election. If the language that you need is not in the Translation Liberates, you should not study it, because is in any case an useless language.

Translation Example[edit]

This item wrote to use the progression of the English translation to Spaniard to the English to French to the English. Here is a progression that uses possibly every language that translates behind to the English. To notify how nevertheless a lot a lot times I translate the following passage of text of long one in wide between the English and the other languages, the passage the English always marks you perfect the direction.


My friend Billy Bob went to the hospital to receive radiation treatment for his colon cancer. He had no idea that the events about to unfold would change his life forever. As soon as he arrived, he was attacked by a rabid weasel, and all of his limbs were removed. Soon, he ate dinner and had trouble pooping it out the next day because he had no butt cheeks. This is why he eventually died of malaria after raping himself with a penis made of infected mosquitoes.


Mi amigo Billy Cortes fue al hospital para recibir tratamiento de radiación para su cáncer de colon. No tenía ni idea de que los acontecimientos a punto de abrirse cambiaría su vida para siempre. Tan pronto como llegó, fue atacado por una comadreja rabioso, y todos sus miembros se retiraron. Pronto, se comió la cena y tenía problemas para defecar que al día siguiente porque no tenía las nalgas. Es por esto que finalmente murió de malaria después de haber violado a sí mismo con un pene hecho de mosquitos infectados.


My friend Bile Cuts was al hospital to receive the processing of the radiation for its cancer of two points. The did not have the smaller idea that the events about unfolding would change its life for always. As quick as he arrived, he was attacked by a rabid weasel, and all the members were removed. Soon, he ate the supper and the problem had that they defecate was al following day because he did not have buttocks. For that reason he himself to die finally of malaria after violating it with a done penis of mosquitos infected.


Mes Coupures de Bile d'ami étaient les hôpitaux d'al pour recevoir le traitement du rayonnement pour son cancer de deux points. Le n'a pas eu la plus petite idée que les événements de déplier changeraient sa vie pour toujours. Aussi rapide qu'il est arrivé, il a été attaqué par une belette enragée, et tous les membres ont été enlevés. Bientôt, il a mangé le souper et le problème a eu qu'ils défèquent étaient al suivre les jours parce qu'il n'a pas eu de fesse. Pour qu'ayez raisonner il se pour mourir finalement de paludisme après avoir le violé avec un pénis fait de moustiques infectées.


My Bile Cuts of friend were the al hospitals to receive the treatment of the radiance for his cancer of two points. The not step had the smallest idea than the events to unfold would change his life for always. As quick as it arrived, it was attacked by an enraged weasel, and all the members were removed. Soon, it ate to dine it and the problem had that they défèquent were al to follow the days because it had not buttock. For that have to reason it himself to die finally malaria after to have violated it with a pénis does infected mosquitoes.


Meine Gallenschnitte des Freundes waren der Al Krankenhäuser, die Behandlung vom Strahlen für seinen Krebs von zwei Punkten zu empfangen. Der nicht Schritt hat die kleinste Idee gehabt als die Ereignisse, zu entfalten, würden sein Leben für immer ändern. Ebenso schnell als es ist, es wurde angegriffen von einem gemachten wütend Wiesel, und den ganzen Mitgliedern wurden herausgenommen angekommen. Bald hat es gegessen, es zu speisen, und das Problem hat gehabt, dass sie défèquent Al war, die Tage zu folgen, weil es nicht Hinterbacke gehabt hat. Für, dass es sich selbst logisch denken muss, schließlich Malaria zu sterben, nachdem übertreten zu haben es mit einem pénis entzündete Mücken macht.


My gall cuts of the friend were the al of hospitals to received the treatment of the radiation for its cancer of two points. That step the smallest idea had not as the events, to unfold, would be change life for always. Just as fast as it is, was attacked were arrived it of a made furiously weasel, and the entire members taken out. Soon it ate to feed it, and the problem had that it was défèquent al to follow the days because it had not buttock. For that it even logically must think itself to die in the end malaria, to have infringed after it with a pénis ignited makes mosquitoes.


I miei tagli di bile dell'amico erano l'al di ospedali a ha ricevuto il trattamento della radiazione per il suo cancro di due punti. Non ciò cammina l'idea la più piccola avuta come gli avvenimenti, spiegare, sarebbe la vita di cambiamento per sempre. Proprio come digiuna come è, era attaccato erano arrivato esso di una fatto furiosamente donnola, ed i membri interi ha tolto. Presto ha mangiato per nutrire lo, ed il problema avuto che era l'al di défèquent DI seguire i giorni perché ha avuto non la natica. Per che logicamente si deve si pensare anche che lui morire nella malaria di fine, aver trasgredito dopo che esso con un pénis ha accenduto fa le zanzare.


My cuts of anger of the friend were it to the of hospitals to received the treatment of the radiation for its cancer of two points. That not it walks the the most small idea had like the events, to explain, has been the life of change for always. Actual like with an empty stomach how it is, it was attached they had arrived it of a fact furiously weasel, and the whole limb removed. Soon it ate to nourish it, and the problem had that was it to the of défèquent OF to follow the days because had not the buttock. For that logically it is have to is thought also that he die in the malaria of end, to have disobeyed after that it with a pénis lit does the mosquitos.


Mijn sneeën van woede van de vriend was het naar het van ziekenhuizen naar ontving de behandeling van de straling voor zijn kanker van twee punt. Dat niet loopt het het het kleinste idee dat gehad wordt alsof de gebeurtenissen, uit te leggen, is geweest het leven van verandering voor altijd. Eigenlijk zoals met een lege maag hoe het is, het werd zij waren aangekomen het van een feit woedend wezel bevestigd en de hele ledemaat verwijderde. Spoedig at het hem te voeden en het probleem had die het naar het van défèquent VAN was om de dagen te volgen omdat gehade niet de bil. Voor dat logisch het is moet te is gedacht ook dat hij in de malaria van einde, gegehoorzaamd te hebben niet sterft nadat dat het met een pénis lit de muggen doet.


My incisions of rage of the friend was received the to the of hospitals to the treatment of the radiation for its cancer of two point. That do not walks the the the smallest idea, that is had as if to lay the events, out, is been the life of change for always. Actual as with an empty stomach how it is, it became they were arrived the of a fact furious weasel affirmed and the whole sorrow measure removed. Shortly ate it him to feed and the problem had, that the to the of défèquent VAN was the days to follow, because gehade not the buttock. Before that logically it is must to has been thought also that he in the malaria of end, disobeyed have dies after that it with a pénis let the mosquitoes does.


Minhas incisões de cólera do amigo foi recebida o ao dos hospitais ao tratamento da radiação para seu câncer de dois ponto. Isso faz não anda a a a idéia mais pequena, isso é tido como se coloque os acontecimentos, fora, está estada a vida de mudança para sempre. Real como com um estômago vazio como é, tornou-se foram chegados o de um fato doninha furiosa afirmado e a medida inteira de tristeza retirado. Curtamente comeu-o o alimentar e o problema tido, que o ao de FURGÃO de défèquent era os dias seguir, porque gehade não a nádega. Antes de que logicamente é deve ter sido pensado também que ele na malária de fim, desobedecido tem morre depois que que ele com um pénis deixa os mosquitos faz.


My incisions of rage of the friend was received the to the of the hospitals to the handling of the radiation for his cancer of two point. That does does not walk to the the smallest idea, that is had as be put the events, outside, is stay the life of change for ever. Real as with an empty stomach like is, became were arrived the of a fact doninha furious affirmed and the entire measure of secluded sorrow. Short it ate feed and the problem had, that the to the of VAN of défèquent was the days follow, because gehade not the buttock. Before logicamente is should have been thought also that he in the malaria of end, disobeyed has dies after that he with a pénis leaves the mosquitos does.


Мои разрезы гнева друга были получены к больниц к обработке радиации для его рака двух пунктов. Это делает не идет к наименьшая идея, которая имеется как быть помещенной, события, снаружи, пребывание жизнь изменения навсегда. Реальный как с пустым животом как, стал, были прибыты факта doninha разъяренный подтвержденный и всей меры изолированного горя. Короткий это съело подачу, и проблема имела, который к ФУРГОНА dйfиquent был днями, следуют, потому что gehade не ягодицы. Прежде, чем logicamente - нужно думать также, что он в малярии конца, которому не повинуются имеет дю после этого, он с pйnis уезжает, москиты делает.


My cuts of anger of the friend have been received to hospitals to processing radiation for its cancer of two items. It does does not go to the least idea which is available as to be placed, events, outside, stay a life of change for ever. Real as with an empty stomach as, became, have been arrived the fact doninha enraged confirmed and all measure isolated burning. Short it has eaten submission, and the problem had, which to the VAN dйfиquent was days, follow, because gehade not buttocks. Before logicamente - it is necessary to think also, that it in a malaria of the end to which do not obey has дю after that, it with pйnis leaves, mosquitoes does.


2つの項目〔商品〕のその癌のための放射能を処理することに、友人の怒りの私のカットは病院に受け取られました。 それがする どれが利用可能なのかという少しの理解にも行かない として 置かれるために、イベントが外でいつまでも変化の生命のままである。 空っぽの胃と一緒にである 本当 として なった だった 着かれた doninhaが激怒させた事実が確認して、燃えて全ての計量具が孤立させた。 短い それが提出を食べて、問題がそうした バンdにどれか? f? quentが日々だった 後に続く ので gehade ありません 尻。 logicamenteの前で-同様に、考える必要がある 終わりのマラリアのそれ に どれが言われた通りにしないかがそうした?? それの後 pでのそれ? nis 去る 蚊 する。


My cut of the anger of the friend was received in a/the hospital, to that processes the radioactivity for the cancer of 2 pieces of items [merchandise]. 《主語なし》Because it is put because I do not go even to a little understanding that says whether which that does is possible use an/the event outside forever change of life be in the state of of. The fact that doninha that was arrived and was was and became as the truth that is with an empty stomach caused gotten furious burns, confirm and all the measuring 具 isolated. Is the problem one of them to van d that short that eats submission and did so? F? 《主語なし》It is the hips that there is not gehade because it continues after quent was from day to day. 《主語なし》Logicamente before-similarly, think is necessary to end of malaria of that to which sbj said as make not whether subj so did? the the that was it it it it does ? 《主語なし》Is it that in p after it? 《主語なし》It does the mosquito that leaves nis.


Én darab bosszúság barátom érkezett az a/a kórházi, eljárások a radioaktivitás a rák 2 darab tételek [áru]. 《主語なし》BECAUSE azt tesz azért, mert én nem megy még egy kis feltétellel, hogy azt mondja, hogy ez nem lehetséges a használatára/kívül esetén örökre változás az élet az állam a. A tény, hogy doninha volt, megérkezett s volt, mint vált az igazság, hogy üres gyomorban okozta volna dühös égési megerősíti, és minden mérési 具 választani. A probléma egyik előcsapat, d, rövid, hogy benyújtása eszik, nem? F? 《主語なし》IT a csípőre, nincs gehade azért, mert továbbra is quent után volt a nap. Előtt 《主語なし》LOGICAMENTE-hasonlóképpen, azt hiszem, hogy szükséges a végén a malária, amelyet sbj azt mondta, hogy nem az, hogy subj így? Az a volt, hogy azt nem? 《主語なし》IS, hogy a p után? Nem 《主語なし》IT a moszkító a levelek nis.


I piece bother my friend has been received the a/a hospital, procedures, the radioactivity the cancer 2 piece items (goods). 《主語なし》BECAUSE to it, because I do not go a little condition, he says, that this is not possible use/outside, in the case for ever and ever changes in the life of a state of the fact that doninha was arrived at, there was, as it has become the truth is, that an empty stomach was caused by angry burning confirms, and for each measuring 具 chosen. The problem one van, d, a short, submission to eat, is it not? (F? The 《主語なし》IT on, there is no gehade because they continue to be quent was after the 《主語なし》LOGICAMENTE-similarly before days, I think, that it is necessary at the end of the malaria, which is sbj, he said, it is not that subj so? Former, that it is not? 《主語なし》IS, that the p after you? Not 《主語なし》IT the mosquito leaves nis.


Ako piraso abala ang aking mga kaibigan ay natanggap na ang isang / isang ospital, mga pamamaraan, ang radyaktibidad ang kanser 2 piraso item (kalakal). "主語 なし" DAHIL sa mga ito, dahil hindi ko pumunta sa isang maliit kondisyon, sabi niya, na hindi ito posible gamitin / labas, sa kaso magpakailanman mga pagbabago sa buhay ng isang estado ng ang katunayan na ang doninha ay dumating sa, may, tulad ng ito ay naging katotohanan, ang mga na walang laman ang tiyan ay sanhi ng galit na nasusunog ang nagpapatunay, at para sa pagsukat ng bawat 具 pinili. Ang problema ng isa van, d, isang short, submission sa kumain, ay hindi ito? (F? Ang "主語 なし" IT on, walang gehade dahil patuloy sila na maging quent ay matapos ang "主語 なし" LOGICAMENTE-parehas na araw bago, sa tingin ko, na ito ay kinakailangan sa katapusan ng malaria, na kung saan ay sbj, sinabi niya, ito ay hindi na Paksa kaya? Dating, na ito ay hindi? "主語 なし" AY, na ang mga p pagkatapos mo? Hindi "主語 なし" IT lamok ang mga dahon NIS.


I piece my friend has been Bother Received the a / a hospital, procedures, the radioactivity the cancer two piece items (goods). " 主語 なし" Because to it, inasmuch I do not go a little condition, he says, that this is not possible use / outside, in the case for ever and ever changes in the life of a state of the fact that was arrived doninha And, there was, as it has Become the truth is, that an empty stomach was caused by burning confirms angry, and for Each Measuring 具 chosen. The problem one van, d, a short, submission to eat, is it not? (F? The "主語 なし" IT on, there is no gehade inasmuch continue to be quent They had was after the "主語 なし" LOGICAMENTE, similarly week before, I think, that it is necessary at the end of the malaria, Which is sbj, he said, it is not that so subj? Former, that it is not? "主語 なし" IS, that the p after you? Not "主語 なし" IT mosquito leaves the NIS.


Pala ystäväni on ollut Vaiva Sai / sairaala, menettelyt, radioaktiivisuus syöpä kaksi palaesineet (tavarat). Koska sille, mikäli en mene vähän kunnon, hän sanoo, ettei tämä ole mahdollinen käyttö / ulkona, tapauksessa koskaan ja koskaan muutokset valtion se,n elämässä että saavuttiin doninha Ja, oli, kun siitä On Tullut totuus on, mikä autio maha aiheutui polttamalla varmistaa vihainen, ja Kullekin Mittaaminen valittu. Eikö ongelma yksi kuorma-auto, d, lyhyt, alistuminen syödä, se ole? (F? SE yllä gehadea ei ole, mikäli jatkuu olla quent Ne olivat olleet LOGICAMENNEN jälkeen, samanlaisesti viikko ennen, ajattelen, ettei se on välttämätön malarian lopussa, Mikä on sbj, hän sanoi, se ole joka niin subj? Eikö entinen, joka se ole? ONko, mikä p sitten kun? SE ei hyttynen jättää NISIÄ.


Piece my friend has been Discomfort got / hospital, acted, radioactivity cancer two burnitems (items). Because to it, if I don't go little proper, he says, that this is possible use / outside, case ever and ever changes government it'n in life that came doninha And, was, when it Is Come truth is, what deserted stomach was caused burning confirm angry, and Each quent They had been LOGICAMENNEN after, similarly week ago, I think, that it is necessary malaria in the end, What is sbj, he said, it be who so subj? Not former, what it be? Is, what p then when? IT no mosquito leave Nisia.


Bit som min vän har varit Obehag fått/sjukhus, handlad, radioaktivitetscancer två burnitems (artiklar). Därför att till det, om jag inte går liten rätt, han säger, ändrar att det är möjlig användningen/ute, fall någonsin och någonsin regering i livet som kom doninha och, var, när det är kommit sanning är, vad övergav mage orsakades bränna bekräftar arg, och varje quent som de hade varit LOGICAMENNEN efter, för likadant vecka sedan, tänker jag, att det är nödvändig malaria till slut, vad är sbj, han Sa, det är vem så subj? Inte föregående, vad det är? Är, vad p då när? DET ingen myggledighet Nisia.


Bit like my friend has been received Discomfort / hospitals, traded, radioactivity cancer two burn items (articles). Because of this, if I did not go little right, he says, change it's possible use / out, where ever and ever government in life that came doninha and, where, when it is come truth is, what abandoned the stomach caused by burning confirms angry, and each quent as they had been LOGICAMENNEN after, the same week ago, I think, that it is essential malaria in the end, what is sbj, he Sa, that is who so Subj? Not one, what it is? Is, what p then when? THERE is no mosquito leave Nisia.


मेरे दोस्त की तरह बिट असुविधा / अस्पतालों, कारोबार, रेडियोधर्मिता कैंसर दो जला आइटम के लेख () प्राप्त किया गया है. इस वजह से, अगर मैं थोड़ा सही नहीं जाना था, वे कहते हैं, यह संभव का उपयोग बदलने के लिए / बाहर, जहां जीवन में और कभी कभी सरकार कि आया doninha और, जहां, जब यह आ रहा है सच है, क्या जल द्वारा कारण पेट परित्यक्त गुस्से में की पुष्टि, और प्रत्येक quent के रूप में वे के बाद, एक ही सप्ताह पहले किया गया LOGICAMENNEN था, मुझे लगता है, कि यह अंत में आवश्यक मलेरिया, क्या SBJ है, वह सा है, कि जो इतनी Subj है? एक भी नहीं, यह क्या है? है, पी तो क्या? वहां कोई मच्छर छुट्टी Nisia है.


My friends like little discomfort / hospitals, business, cancer, burn items articles of radioactivity () has been obtained.इस वजह से, अगर मैं थोड़ा सही नहीं जाना था, वे कहते हैं, यह संभव का उपयोग बदलने के लिए / बाहर, जहां जीवन में और कभी कभी सरकार कि आया doninha और, जहां, जब यह आ रहा है सच है, क्या जल abandoned the stomach confirmed by angry, and as they each quent after the LOGICAMENNEN same week, I think, that it needed to end malaria, the SBJ, he bit, so that Subj is Not a single one, is it? , P so what? There is a mosquito off Nisia.


لقد تم الحصول على أصدقائي مثل عدم الراحة قليلا / والمستشفيات، والأعمال التجارية، والسرطان، وحرق وحدات من المواد الإشعاعية (). इस वजह से، अगर मैं थोड़ा सही नहीं जाना था، वे कहते हैं، यह संभव का उपयोग बदलने के लिए / बाहर، जहां जीवन में और कभी कभी सरकार कि आया doninha और، जहां، जब यह आ रहा है सच है، क्या जल مهجور المعدة أكده غاضب، وكما كل quent بعد أسبوع نفس LOGICAMENNEN، كما أعتقد، أن هناك حاجة لوضع حد الملاريا وSBJ، وقال انه بت، بحيث Subj ليست واحدة واحدة، أليس كذلك؟ ، ف ماذا في ذلك؟ هناك البعوض قبالة Nisia.


I have been getting on my friends a little discomfort, such as /, hospitals, business, cancer, and burn units of radioactive material (). इस वजह से, अगर मैं थोड़ा सही नहीं जाना था, वे कहते हैं, यह संभव का उपयोग बदलने के लिए / बाहर, जहां जीवन में और कभी कभी सरकार कि आया doninha और, जहां, जब यह आ रहा है सच है, क्या जल abandoned the stomach was confirmed by an angry, and as each week after the same quent LOGICAMENNEN, I think, that there is a need to put an end to malaria, SBJ, and he bit, so that Subj is not a single one, right? , P so what? There are mosquitoes off Nisia.

External links[edit]