Talk:Hugh Laurie

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Hugh Laurie article.
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Bloody funny


This is a bit disappointing. It started out really funny, but it degenerated into nonsense sometime during 'Life After the War.' Well, actually, it was at the very beginning of 'Life After the War.' Now that I think of it, it really started in 'Early Life,' where we almost referenced some things he's been in as an actor in a comical manner, but didn't quite do it. I'm not sure what the whole business with World War II there is. It would have been funny if it had been World War I, because that was when Blackadder Goes Forth took place. If that were changed, and perhaps then there was something about him being thought to be dead for a time after that, until he was found in (whatever the setting of his next role, chronologically) was, as a (whatever he did in said role), that would be a major improvement.

'He Is British? What The Hell?' doesn't make any sense, as a section. The only time in the article surprise at his being British is mentioned is in the PREVIOUS section. There's also the fact that the content is just unfunnily random. Saying that House was 'criminally short,' only lasting for 24 seconds, doesn't make sense. It's not true, and there's no reason for it to be funny. If it had been on the air for an absolutely massive amount of time, or if the episodes were shockingly long, or ANYTHING like that, I could understand saying that, and maybe it would be funny, but this is just random.

As for the Obsession section, I'm just going to take it out. There's hardly anything there, and it's unoriginal and boring. If anyone can think of anything witty to say on the subject, by all means, do, but there's really no point in having the section at all. --Napoleon Bonaparte 02:59, 24 July 2006 (UTC)

I didn't think this was very funny until I'd read the first word. I especially guffawed at the line about Australians and what they take as humor (gave away my nationality, didn't I), as Aussies actually DO understand some things, such as flies. After that I could only read one word at a time before I had to stop to protect my ribs from being torn out by convulsing laughter muscles.

On a side note, I once met Bertie Wooster in a Tibetan monastery. I tried very hard to get his autograph; but, he seemed lost in a mantra of, "Where the hell is Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeves. Ommmmmmmmm." Saw him again entering the Brazilian rain forest as I was coming out. I would have spoken but an extremely muscular mosquito had me by the throat. Bertie would have come to my rescue were it not for the fact of carrying one Stephen Fry around on his shoulders and staggering hither an yon under the weight.

One thing that I can add about the life of Hugh Ripper "Snakes" Cosmo Garfield Marmaduke Laurie is that he died a full seventeen years before he was born with a very early onset of infant tantrum syndrome, having tried to hold his breath for the entire seventeen years. -- Miguel Tsing Tao Guillermo Tonto "Biffy" Gern Yakamora 14:30, October 1, 2009 (UTC)