Template talk:Object

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The following sentences are more uses for the {{Object}} template.

  • Suddenly, a dingleberry falls in front of you!
  • In the distance, you can see a dingleberry next to the Grue.
  • You decide to get the dingleberry from the Grue. Unfortunately, the Grue eats you. And the dingleberry.
  • There is a dingleberry in front of you.
  • There is a dingleberry behind you.
  • A dingleberry falls out of nowhere and kills you.
  • The Grue eats the dingleberry.
  • The Grueslayer throws the dingleberry at you for 20 damage!
  • You eat the dingleberry, but suddenly you get sick and die. Fail.
  • For some stupid reason you start running around the dingleberry.
  • "Look at the dingleberry!" says the monkey.
  • You are eaten by a dingleberry.
  • The dingleberry-shaped object is indeed a dingleberry.
  • If you can steal her dingleberry, you can win the game.
  • Defending yourself with a dingleberry only makes your chance of being eaten by a Grue reduced 0.01% less. The Grue eats you anyway.
  • His dingleberry is useless.
  • That dingleberry kills Grues???

Practically, the {{Object}} template can be used after the words 'The', 'A', 'That', 'His', 'Her', 'My', and many more as long as the word used will make sense with the template. For example: Look at my dingleberry! You will have to be careful on how you use some on these words, otherwise the template won't make sense.

 Uses of the Object template Score: 1 Moves: 1

> examine unknown place

You are indeed in an unknown place. I see nothing special other than a header that says Template talk:Object.

> eh?

A Grue jumps out of nowhere and gets pissed. "YOU!" it says. "GET TO WORK BY ADDING MORE NOUNS TO THE OBJECT TEMPLATE!"

> will do, sir...

Like a dumbass, you add the word 'eagle' to the list. The Object template is for words beginning with CONSONANTS! If it begin's with a vowel, add something to it (e.g. purple eagle, resting eagle, bald eagle)

The Grue fires you from Uncyclopedia. And eats you. Then he hires Stephen Hawking. And then vomits you back up and beats you death with something.

> examine something

You can't. Your mashed up eyes are inside the Grue still.

Oh fine, it's that dingleberry from above.

*** You have won ***

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