The Questions No One Should Ask

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The New Law: One who asks no questions will be honoured with Ph. D

“We are in consideration to enact a new law - one who ask questions will be sentenced for 20 years imprisonment!”

~ The Last American President on ways of making slaves.

Stupids can only ask questions. No sane individual thinks and asks questions. The wife of all often asks questions, stupid questions. Exvirgins associate themselves and fuck the head of intellects. No questions. No more questions. We are tired of weird questions. We have questions with possible answers and we have also questions with impossible answers. Whe have questions with no answers. We have questions with too many answers. We have unimaginable answers to the questions. We have the forbidden questions which would debase the identity of the intellects. Stop asking stupdi questions which would make everyone look like an ass! I am not an ass. And, you are not an ass. Above all, we are not an ass to make everyone look like an ass! Asses eat grass but we eat meat. So asses should not question ass. It is mighty rule that no one except the the educated fools should ask questions. You are a common man, husband of a common woman shared by everyone, so you should not question my soul. you should not question my intellect. If you question the authorities, then the authorities will brand you either as terrorist or as insane. Does anyone wants to be called as insane or a terrorist?

The questions which would make everyone look like an ass[edit]

The axe to cut the indivisible apple
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit divisibility?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit comparability?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit connectivity?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit disturbability?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit reorderability?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit substituability?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit satisfiability?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit respectability?
  • Can you make a thing which cannot exhibit usability?

Note: Do not ask these questions to make everyone look like an ass!

Everything is possible. Nothing is impossible. The word impossible is only in the dictionary of fools. Can you make an indivisible apple? Yeah, I can make an imaginary indivisible apple. Can you make an indivisible potato? Can you make an indivisible tomato? Don't expose my lies. Do not make me look like an ass! Ass the greatest intellect in the universe! Your ass, My ass and everyone's ass! Love the ass. There are someassholes too! There are some black holes too! There are some shallow deep holes too. The extent to which you see through the hole gives you deep knowledge or shallow knowledge. See my hole.

I will shoot you with questions!
  • What cannot exhibit divisibility?
  • What cannot exhibit comparability?
  • What cannot exhibit connectivity?
  • What cannot exhibit disturbability?
  • What cannot exhibit reorderability?
  • What cannot exhibit substituability?
  • What cannot exhibit satisfiability?
  • What cannot exhibit respectability?
  • What cannot exhibit usability?

It is better to sleep with one thousand bitches each day than sleeping with the same woman for thousand times. Alas, do not ask the above questions. Those are stupid questions. No one should ask the above questions because they would expose the repetitions and reproductions in the ‘much celebrated’ human knowledge acquired through the greatest efforts and difficulties by the highly educated minds. Devils only make attempts to destroy the reputation of knowledge! Acknowledge the great knowledge! No questions and no more questioning questions. I got the vision of indivisble apples and potatoes. Everything is possible with knowledge except making indivisible potatoes. The indivisible potatoes which screw my boops. No matter everything is possible to fool around. Ask no questions! You would be imprisoned or condemned as insane!

The Questions No One Should Ask