UnBooks:Little Yellow Wong

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The archivists here at Uncyclopedia spend weeks at a time at the Library of Congress, digging for old, notable forgotten books and news stories. They have shock collars attached to them if they try to leave before meeting their quota, or if they use the bathroom. Many of them just flat out pee on the floor.

But the archivists themselves are not nearly as important as the works they occasionally discover. This work is a lesser known work of children's book author Helen Bannerman, better known as the writer of a similar book, [Little Black Sambo].

Bannerman, when interviewed on the work, simply said that she remembered her self-plagiarism days very fondly, and "would have liked to have written a third book in the series titled 'Little Red Chief.'" Before we could steal her ideas ask her about the work, she died of a stroke. Nevertheless, we did manage to find a copy of Little Yellow Wong and reintroduce it to the world, partly to start a dialogue on her art, and partly because one of our archivists really needed to go home because of a bladder infection.

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The novel Little Yellow Wong is also available in paperback.