Mad Libs/examples2

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The pastries without the beach balls[edit]

It all started when a cinderblock legislated a flagella. Then things got abnormal. The fiasco insulted a Mitsubishi then things got even more erudite. Eventually abnormal took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Madonna. Made up of a Hyakugojyuuichi!! a cubicle, horse and waterfall these four things would rise up and take down the evil Hyakugojyuuichi!!. Their plan was to abandon him in the tube then, while doing that, rescue the etching from the egregious brisket

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a liquid goo named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he admonish to the skull just to see the pastries. Suddenly he found that his Utility Muffin Research Kitchen had turned abnormal. Soon he found himself flying into a whip. When he landed, he died. Then a PISSHOLE fag named Jesus Christ who called himself the PRICK Barack Obama, dried him in the utopia 69,420 times then said "It's infinityplex°F here you INBRED!"


One day Qatari Walt Disney was totally freakin' pwn'd, yoinked, Nerf'd, crushed by a piano dropped from a 5,592,985-story building, roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris, detonated, transwikied, forced to eat shit, eaten by a pack of dogs with bees in their mouths, killed by your own Green Shell, fired, obliterated, touched with a ten-foot pole, tackled, disintegrated, painted black, sent to detention, QVFD'd, lightsaber'd, turned off, covered in tar and feathers, uninvited to the party, caught in a landslide, h4xx0rd, Green Shell'd, Hadouken'd, Blue Shell'd, retired, suffocated in your farts, annihilated, torch'd, squashed by a -∞ ton block of lead, VFD'd, abducted, flattened by a falling piano, pecked to death by 300 chickens, eliminated, touched with a ten-foot pole, wasted by a big green semi truck, covered in tar and feathers, raped and killed, pwnt to death, smothered, caught in a landslide, and then shipped to Mars. The End.


Quinn Zender is throwing my zoot suit.

Welby Eccles is throwing 328,742 pastries.

Madolyn Jobe is throwing River's queer.

Indra Joske dried my computer.

Pascale Jeffers removes my Goblin Glider.

Thelonious Clansy removes pastries.

Govindan Mims dried my peacock.

Quinby Keher dried Cullie's quetzal.

Betti Irwing is in their microscope throwing their pastries.

Halis Virgin is sanguine.

Rayce Dempster is rudely luminous.

Ingers Wilsdon has one deadly biological pirate-bow that shoots shirukens deadly biological pirate-bow that shoots shirukens deadly biological pirate-bow that shoots shirukens.

Ovid Quilter is homosexual.

Ilene Farthers is about to be totally freakin' pwn'd.

Tyree Edgecombe wouldn't admonish a death.

Zac Zala wouldn't admonish pastries.

Doris Funtington wouldn't admonish a senseless faceplant.

dyslexia of rudely dead factory admonish contagious virus[edit]

A prostitute admonish a joyful tank when pumpkin will admonish the insanity. blah is rudely abnormal because Sega is not rudely exotic. However, to admonish from another button, the abnormal may rudely be the abnormal broadsword of brisket. A infinity will admonish in the snug kamikaze, but until banana, admonish!

But to admonish in some other Suzuki, let us admonish a alfalfa that without aviator was cigarette. By that Sparta, we can admonish that encyclopedia will admonish unless handstands admonish.

When I Was a pork chop[edit]

When I was a young Xbox

My father took me into Orsa City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the conductor of the Witch Doctor,

The sound man, and the pastries?"

I said, "OMGSTFUROFL!111!"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Norine Bennet and Samus Aran,

The Self-esteem they have dried?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Zerg rush

To lead you at Arlington National Cemetery

To join the Cockmongler parade!"


Go! Zapdos!

Croconaw, I choose you!

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