Uncyclopedia:VFP/Class C

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Images in Class C will appear on the main page 19% of the time.



Goatsebusters.jpg - 12.5 deleted images ( 18.5 / 6 )

There's something strange, and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call?

Image credit: RadicalX


Armstrong moon.JPG

Armstrong moon.JPG - 11 lunar trumpet solos ( 14 / 3 )
Armstrong moon.JPG

The famous 1969 Life cover featuring The Apollo Program's culmination, the successful landing of Louis Armstrong on the Moon.

Image credit: Gerrycheevers


Apple pie chart.jpg

Apple pie chart.jpg - 10 total votes ( 19 / 9 )
Apple pie chart.jpg

The apple pie chart: A winning presentation.

Image credit: Okochama


And THIS is how you fuck a bear!.jpg

And THIS is how you fuck a bear!.jpg - 14 raw bears ( 14 / 0 )
And THIS is how you fuck a bear!.jpg

This photograph, recently discovered in the Bundesarchiv, gives a rare insight into the inner workings of the Third Reich

Image credit: Concept: Zombiebaron. Image: Bizzeebeever


America nrv2.jpg

America nrv2.jpg - 12 total votes ( 25 / 13 )
America nrv2.jpg

One of God's many duties involves making sure all the world's contributions are of an acceptable standard. Unfortunately this involves the tedious task of clearing out a large amount of crap every so often. Dissidents who note that this stamping and clearing arbitrarily kills millions are placed on the "naughty" list.

Image credit: Spang



Africamapclear.PNG - 14 total votes ( 24 / 10 )

Africa is widely known by those in the US to be Earth's shittiest continent. For one thing, the land is wracked with hunger, poverty, disease, and genocide. It is also filled with monkeys, like those parks where they tear your car to shreds. Not a pleasant place, all things considered. (Rwanda sucks and has a very retarded name.) Things from Africa include: zoo animals, human trials, like monkeys; lots of fruit...um... AIDS? AIDS is from there, right? And black people? Hey, is that where African Americans came from? Yeah? Well, who knew?

Image credit: Jordanus



Matrixdickjoke.jpg - 14 Subliminal Messages ( 15 / 1 )

"After a while you don't even see the code any more. You just see dicks... penis... gay... euroipods..."

Image credit: Isra1337



ColossusofBarbie.jpg - 14 total votes ( 21 / 7 )

One of the seven wonders of the pre-feminist movement, the Colossus of Barbie stands as a silent sentinel, ever-watching, over Toydom's Valley of the Dolls. In an ode to its majesty, Percy Bysshe Shelley declared:

That all the world remains, to seem, unchanged,
Her triumph o'er the rivers, wrath, and range,
Of her immortal gaze, fixed cold with steel,
I dare not but apease her wealth with meal.
But, yet, Man has not seen her to the test;
What's more, pity I couldn't bugger her like all the rest.
This is evidence that when the monument was built, people were of the belief that God was indeed a woman. Take that, Benedict XVI!

Image credit: Prettiestpretty



Stephenmartyr.jpg - 11 civilian casualties ( 14 / 3 )

St. Stephen the ProtoMartyr, the first adherant of the Christian faith to be martyred.

According to the New Testament Acts of the Apostles, Stephen attached sixteen sticks of dynamite to his chest, detonating them in a crowded market in Jerusalem, killing 32 Zionists and 2 Great Satans, and wounding dozens more. Stephen is venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Church, and in many countries St. Stephen's Day is a publicly recognized holiday.

St. Stephen is depicted here in a 12th century Orthodox icon. The grenade in his hand is probably anachronistic.

Image credit: Isra1337



Driveby-giraffe.png - 12 Drive Bys ( 16 / 4 )

During the early to mid-1990s, drive-by giraffing was a major problem throughout Europe and Africa. Since then numbers have reduced, following a pact between rival gangs. However, they are on the rise in Los Angeles once again, particularly in and around the zoo, as African giraffe's attempt to reestablish dominance in their neighborhoods.

Image credit: RadicalX



Skullthumper.jpg - 10 dented skulls ( 15 / 5 )

A qualified medical practitioner demonstrates the "Skullthumping" diagnosis technique.

Image credit: RAHB



TicklingoftheDamned2.jpg - 11.5 total votes ( 14.5 / 3 )

Thou shall not invoke the wrath of God, lest thou be condemned to an eternity of tickling!

Image credit: Claudius Prime


Occam's Razor in Action.jpg

Occam's Razor in Action.jpg - 13 total votes ( 15 / 2 )
Occam's Razor in Action.jpg

Norelco's flagship product, Occam's Razor, has nearly the same effect on philosophers as it does on their arguments. Unfortunately it doesn't do much about beards.

Image credit: Martinultima



BeethovenDropsTheBass.png - 11 total votes ( 13 / 2 )

DJ Beathoven was one of the early pioneers of dubstep. He is known for the unique wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub sound of his music.

Image credit: Zombiebaron



TyrannosaurusBanks01.png - 11 dinosaurs ( 11 / 0 )

Production photos from the next Jurassic Park film, starring Tyra Banks, have been released. Ebert has already given it 5 stars.

Image credit: Imrealized



EdgarAllanPo.jpg - 13 dead baby suns ( 15 / 2 )

The sun is setting o'r the shore. Quoth the tubbies: "Nevermore".

Image credit: JohnnyRaven and Prettiestpretty and RabbiTechno


Potted pot bonsai.png

Potted pot bonsai.png - 11 pots ( 11 / 0 )
Potted pot bonsai.png

Even the plants are weird in Japan. This particular pot plant features multiple smaller pot plants in carefully crafted pots created specifically for the occasion. Or in the words of the artist, "I got stoned and spent three days trimming my pot plant. Now I'm gonna smoke it."

Image credit: Lyrithya and some stoned guys


Mexico lol.jpg

Mexico lol.jpg - 10 Pepitos relaxing on the beach ( 10 / 0 )
Mexico lol.jpg

When relaxing on the beaches in Mexico, always remember to use protection!
(This message brought to you by the Mexico Tourism Board)

Image credit: Mattsnow, Bizzeebeever



Boogieswithbadgers.jpg - 11 total votes ( 19 / 8 )

Kevin Costner's follow up to the moderately successful Dances with Wolves was not the big hit that Hollywood Producers had been hoping for...

Image credit: Mhaille



Monotony.png - 11 measures of monotony ( 11 / 0 )

One of the last surviving scans of John Aglethorpe's infamous Ode to the Monotony of Life, a nearly year-long piece composed of alterations between A sharp and B flat tied together.

Image credit: Dr. Skullthumper



Sickophant.png - 12 sickophants ( 12 / 0 )

A sickophant in its natural habitat.

Image credit: Lyrithya



GvG.jpg - 12 total votes ( 23 / 11 )

Movie poster for the epic film, Grue vs. Grue.

Image credit: Sliferjam



BiLightPoster.png - 13 Pale Gimps ( 20 / 7 )

An amusing satire on popular nonsense.

Image credit: MeepStarLives


Carpet muching 1.jpg

Carpet muching 1.jpg - 13.5 carpets munched ( 17 / 3.5 )
Carpet muching 1.jpg

For the lady in your life. Whether you fry it, bake it, or broil it, carpet will always be a tasty treat for young and old.

Image credit: Splaka


Damned Germans Shot My Beer.png

Damned Germans Shot My Beer.png - 11 bloody Huns shooting a jolly Englishman's Guinness ( 15 / 4 )
Damned Germans Shot My Beer.png

Ah, a nice cold Guinness, I-- ...What the??? Damn you, you Krauts!

Image credit: Jocke Pirat



Planet.jpg - 11.5 planets, damn it! ( 23.5 / 12 )

Pluto's revenge after being demoted. Sun and Moon were no help to Earth.

Image credit: Tedmund


Dong covering.jpg

Dong covering.jpg - 12 Vietnamese dongs protected by contraception ( 14 / 2 )
Dong covering.jpg

Due to the fragile nature of the small coins, its is often necessary to cover the dong for protection.

Image credit: Sonje



Rms.jpg - 12 total votes ( 19 / 7 )

Controversial picture: Freedom of Software or disrespect to Islam?
Possibly the world's least subtle terrorist... Shouldn't that be GNU/Islam?

Image credit: Mahroww


Whack a mao.gif

Whack a mao.gif - 10 total votes ( 28.5 / 18.5 )
Whack a mao.gif

Whack-A-Mao: the national pastime of Taiwan.

Image credit: Splaka



SwineFlu.jpg - 11 total votes ( 18 / 7 )

Once the pharmaceutical companies had porked the porcine strain with mother's classic formula, the only epidemic plaguing the world was terrible, terrible puns.

Image credit: Lemsip for providing the original and me for editing as well as coral for letting me edit it.



Ipodchristcrx.png - 13 sins died for during "You Are The Music In Me" ( 15 / 2 )

Just his luck that it got stuck on Jesus Christ Superstar that fateful afternoon...

Image credit: Prettiestpretty



Handbox.jpg - 12 Nicely packaged arms ( 15 / 3 )

Uncyclopedia Health Service - We couldn't save it, but I'll be damned if we couldn't package it up nicely and send it to you in a box.

Image credit: Seeker



Moaishoot.jpg - 13 statues commanded to "not move". ( 23 / 10 )

Now we know why they look so intense, all of them.

Image credit: Gneomi


I want scientology finished.png

I want scientology finished.png - 12 total votes ( 25 / 13 )
I want scientology finished.png

Why wouldn't you join? Tom Cruise is a member! Don't you trust Tom?

Image credit: LinkTGF



Porchesia-deleted.jpg - 12 "non-existent" countries ( 18 / 6 )

It was a sad sad day in the Mediterranean region, as thousands of Porchesians were incinerated by the Wikipedia adminatti, who deny the incident ever took place, and indeed, the existence of Porchesia.

Image credit: RadicalX



Drunkos.jpg - 10 cups stacked ( 13 / 3 )

The Drunk Olympics is an athletic competition in which all participating athletes compete in several sporting events while intoxicated far beyond the typical human breaking point. It has spawned the creation of several organized competitions, including Thunderdome and Cup Stacking.

Image credit: The Thinker



ChronChron.jpg - 13.5 total votes ( 17 / 3.5 )

The creation of Uncyclopedia (or alternatively you could imagine your own funny caption here).

Image credit: Sannse


Waterloo Baron.jpg

Waterloo Baron.jpg - 12 Red Barons who have a sense of humor ( 15 / 3 )
Waterloo Baron.jpg

The Red Baron causing havoc at the Battle of Waterloo

Image credit: Under user



Kung-pooh.jpg - 12 Ninja Bears ( 17 / 5 )

Proof that the Tao of Pooh isn't something to be overlooked...

Image credit: RadicalX



Nothitler.jpg - 10.5 total votes ( 25.5 / 15 )

It'll have the kids saying, "Jawohl, mein Führer!"

Image credit: Splaka


Milk chocolate hitler bite.jpg

Milk chocolate hitler bite.jpg - 11.5 total votes ( 20.5 / 9 )
Milk chocolate hitler bite.jpg

Chocolate Hitler is "...very yummy," says four year old Katrina.

Image credit: Splaka



Sonic101.jpg - 11 Shakespearian hedgehogs ( 12 / 1 )

"Alas, poor Miles! I knew him, Knuckles: a fellow of infinite tails, of most mediocre flying ability."

Image credit: Mhaille



MetroFreud.jpg - 14 total votes ( 27 / 13 )

As always, Freud has the answer.

Image credit: Spintherism



Catcher-rye-full.jpg - 14 total votes ( 24 / 10 )

J.D. Salinger wrote a book about baseball or bread or something.

Image credit: RadicalX



XXXTigerGame.jpg - 13 club wackers ( 14 / 1 )

With Tiger Woods' newest game out, all the girls can get a look at his nice big rod.

Image credit: MeepStarLives



Penisland.jpg - 12 Weird-shaped land masses ( 12 / 0 )

This is just tasteless. Absolutely juvenile!

Image credit: User:Zana Dark



ShitterParadox.png - 12 total votes ( 13 / 1 )

You know what they say, "You can't shit a shitter". But M.C. Escher will be damned if he didn't try!

Image credit: KneeChee27


Poker hand.jpg

Poker hand.jpg - 14 Handy drunkards ( 14 / 0 )
Poker hand.jpg

Figuring he would at last turn around his luck, Wild Jim drew the fabled dead man's hand.

Image credit: Sonje



Pity.png - 14 Fools ( 19 / 5 )

Mr. T offers a new day for America. A Day of Pity.

Image credit: RadicalX



Boobies.jpg - 13.5 magnificent boobies ( 21.5 / 8 )

Hunted almost to extinction for their magnificent plumage, the booby population has exploded thanks to careful protection by ornithologists of the final breeding pair. Two boobies, in the vernacular of birdwatching, are known as "a pair of tits".

Image credit: Modusoperandi



Thelastbachelorparty.jpg - 14 Divinely inspired Messiahs ( 16 / 2 )

"And verily because it was Christ's last bachelor party, the guys also did pay for a lap dance." Many artists have sought inspiration from Judith Priest's famous dance before the Lord as portrayed in Lewd Acts of the Apostles.

Image credit: Prettiestpretty


Calvin atheist.JPG

Calvin atheist.JPG - 11 total votes ( 20 / 9 )
Calvin atheist.JPG

Calvin and Hobbes was a popular comic strip during the 80s and 90s which discussed various religious ideas. Though he would later become known for his theory of predestination, John Calvin, shown here, was plagued by recurring religious doubt throughout his early career.

Image credit: Squiggle



Zombieche.png - 10 total votes ( 23 / 13 )

Note to all world leaders: When the zombies show up, the Marxists are never far behind.

Image credit: Zombiebaron



McJeebus.jpg - 14 total votes ( 30 / 16 )

"And yea, God did provide Happy Meals unto them, for they were the hungry 5000. And blessed were the free toys...And on the third day the burgers and fries were reheated and served again...and he saw that it was good. [McCheese 15:24]"

Image credit: Mhaille


Noob offensive.jpg

Noob offensive.jpg - 10 total votes ( 19 / 9 )
Noob offensive.jpg

Chronicling every edit from every date between 20 April 2005 and 20 April 2006, the Newbie Friendly Uncyclopedia Almanack is the Uncyclopedia Noob's ultimate sourcepoint, written in such simple language that even the n00best of n00bs can comprehend such subjects as the Bermuda Triangle with ease.

Image credit: Hindleyite



ET2-ExtremeTerrestrial.png - 10 tricked out flying bicycles ( 15 / 5 )

E.T., Spielberg's classic Science Fiction film, joins the ranks of movies not needing sequels to get a sequel.

Image credit: RadicalX


Moses with Ipad.jpg

Moses with Ipad.jpg - 10 Ipads held by Moses. ( 11 / 1 )
Moses with Ipad.jpg

When Moses finally reached the top of Mount Sinai he was surprised to find God had left him the holy iPad; complete with the ten commandments, the angry birds app, and all!

Image credit: Magic man and his friend.


Hen tie.jpg

Hen tie.jpg - 10 flying hens ( 11 / 1 )
Hen tie.jpg

Although the practice has been popular in Japan for centuries, only recently have men in Western countries begun to wear live hens in the place of the usual cloth neck ties.

Image credit: The Hedgehog



EvilCM.jpg - 14 total votes ( 24 / 10 )

Cookie Monster's last name becomes much more accurate when he is deprived of cookies...

Image credit: Count of Monkey Crisco


Paul the Obscene.jpg

Paul the Obscene.jpg - 13 very naughty boys. 300x1.jpg ( 17 / 4 )
Paul the Obscene.jpg

St Paul the Obscene exposing himself to the Sanhedrin - Verse 69, Lewd Acts of the Apostles

Image credit: Mhaille



CornhollisSurrender.jpg - 10 total votes ( 12 / 2 )

General Cornwallis, after initial demands for T.P. for his bunghole, surrenders to General Washington at Yorktown. Cornwallis, however, refused to return Washington's hat, even after being called a 'fartknocker'.

Image credit: RadicalX


Lincoln laptop.jpg

Lincoln laptop.jpg - 12 total votes ( 18 / 6 )
Lincoln laptop.jpg

And so it was that Abraham Lincoln was shot, killed by an actor for sending those stupid 'Joke of the Day' E-mails to Jefferson Davis.

Image credit: Silius



Dawkins2.jpg - 10.5 Flying Spaghetti Messiahs ( 17 / 6.5 )

Richard Dawkins, leading atheist and crusader for science, begins to take his role too seriously and surprises us all with his worrying new look.

Image credit: Seeker


Iwo jima MediumVitaOd.jpg

Iwo jima MediumVitaOd.jpg - 10 total votes ( 13 / 3 )
Iwo jima MediumVitaOd.jpg

Oil Wells Of Our Fathers - coming soon to a theater near Texas.

Image credit: --VitalOD



DisneyVangogh.jpg - 11 ears ( 11 / 0 )

Not only is it a small world, it also always was a small world. Apparently.

Image credit: SimulacrumCaputosis



Fmj.jpg - 10 Snuffed Gooks ( 15 / 5 )

In Full Metal Jacket, a U.S. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects jacket potatoes have on his fellow Marine recruits from peeling them in basic training to the brutal food fights in Vietnam.

Image credit: Olipro, Severian



SkinFlute.png - 12 things that are more than they seem ( 13 / 1 )

The Skin Flute, an instrument that many bohemians and crack-whores enjoy playing in their spare time, has greatly increased in popularity due to additives that can increase comfortable playing time by nearly four hours. Oftentimes, a skin flautist uses the instrument of another to play their masterpieces, for which they are either paid a substantial sum, given a follow-up performance, or neither. The practice of giving a skin flute to more than one person to play has led to the spread of many STDs - that is, skinflute transmitted diseases - and has thus also increased its cultural taboo.

Image credit: Zombiebaron



Mimes-silent-radio.jpg - 11 enthralling hours of silent radio programming ( 11 / 0 )

Mimes were a staple of radio in the 1920s.

Image credit: Rljenk



Interstate4Signs.JPG - 14 Horrendous Advertisements ( 16 / 2 )

Getting around the Interstate 4 has never been easier or less stressful!

Image credit: Enzo Aquarius


Tombstone kops.jpg

Tombstone kops.jpg - 12 Flans Flung in Anger ( 16 / 4 )
Tombstone kops.jpg

The 1997 film Tombstone Kops, one of many Hollywood movies based on the historic events surrounding the now infamous Bunfight at the OK Corrall, is considered by many to be the nadir of Slapstick Movies.

Image credit: Mhaille



Benjaminfranklinoldschool.jpg - 14 MCs bustin' rhymes ( 16 / 2 )

Benjamin Franklin: founding father, inventor, politician, passionate kite-flier, and self-proclaimed King of Rhyme. In short, a true Renaissance man.

Image credit: Modusoperandi



Kafkametamorphosis.jpg - 11 pointless novels ( 19 / 8 )

Franz Kafka started his career as a newspaper cartoonist, before being sued by Gary Larson in the court of his own mind.

Image credit: Modusoperandi



Uluruconstruction1.jpg - 11 scaffolds ( 14 / 3 )

Each year, Uluru's paint is refreshed to prepare for the upcoming tourist season.

Image credit: Hindleyite



Osamabingrinchen1.jpg - 11 stolen presents ( 20 / 9 )

Osama bin Grinchen has declared Jihad on the holiday season and commands Islamists to ruin it for infidel children worldwide.

Image credit: Modusoperandi



Deadfunnytomb.jpg - 11.5 Forgotten Sons ( 27.5 / 16 )

The Tomb of the Unknown Uncyclopedian.

Image credit: Mhaille



Davidsketch.jpg - 12 starving artists ( 16 / 4 )

It wasn't until Michelangelo's parents gave him a "Etch-A-Sculpt" that he decided to become an artist.

Image credit: Modusoperandi



CaptObviousTitanic.jpg - 12 total votes ( 26 / 14 )

Captain Obvious on the Titanic.

Image credit: PiOfFive


Bush lepers.jpg

Bush lepers.jpg - 13 total votes ( 24 / 11 )
Bush lepers.jpg

This picture was painted at the scene of George Bush's recent visit to Iraq. Locals rushed out to greet him, as he went about his official business: visiting the sick and needy, dispensing worldly and timeless wisdom, even finding time to heal a few lepers.

Image credit: Spang



Jacksonbabyoutback.jpg - 10 total votes ( 23 / 13 )

Michael Jackson demonstrating the proper way to feed dingos.

Image credit: Gianthogweed



Polarbear.jpg - 12 total votes ( 24 / 12 )

Polar bears are often mistaken for bloodthirsty predators due to the messes they make while eating raspberries.

Image credit: Mahroww



Lost.png - 14 total votes ( 28 / 14 )

The elusive sign to the Stairway to Heaven.

Image credit: Codeine



Sharks.jpg - 11 total votes ( 21 / 10 )

Sharks with frikkin' laser-beams attached to their frikkin' heads.

Image credit: Rei